Glade is a metasearch engine that was created out of frustration at our current state of how we search the web. Low quality content such as heavily-advertised promotional content, AI-generated slop, and sponsored links dominate the indexes of companies like Google and Bing. Alternate search engines either aren't free or have a smaller index and aren't able to answer difficult questions. It doesn't have to be this way.
Glade was created knowing that it would be incredibly difficult to index the entire web from scratch. That's why it's a metasearch engine. It uses results from many different search engines to provide the best results possible. It also uses a custom algorithm to rank results based on their relevance to your query, not how much money the website paid to be at the top of the list. This also helps promote sites that may not be as well known, but have high quality content, such as independent blogs and forums.
Glade was also built with privacy in mind. It doesn't track you, it doesn't log what you search. We will absolutely never share what you search with anyone. We don't even have a way to do that. We don't use cookies, we don't require you to make an account, we don't have a logging system in place.
We hope you enjoy using Glade. Go ahead and try it out!
If you only want to use one engine for a query, you can add a bang (!) followed by the name of that engine at the end or beginning of your query. For example, if your want to search for cats on google, you can type "cats !google" or "cats !go" as some engines have a smaller version of their name.
Glade supports DuckDuckGo bangs. You can use two bangs at the start or end of your query. For example: "cats !!g"
You can enter math operations as your query and the result will be displayed as a quick answer. For example: "45+8/4"
Find the average of a set of numbers as follows: "avg 123 548 2.04 24.2"
Get a random UUID as a quick answer with the following query: "random uuid"